Monday, April 5, 2010

Renewed Perceptions

You cannot live your today with the perceptions that were formed yesterday. This moment is a new reality and it calls for a renewed perception........ Life has to be a series of renewed perceptions. Not to change is a SIN; not to be aware of the changes that have happened is a bigger SIN........................

Your face remains the same in the morning and in the evening and so the world thinks you are the same person. The seed has already sprouted but I am still looking for the seed. The seed has renewed itself but my perception of it hasn’t. The child has grown into a man but I am still advising the same old child. The child has outgrown its childhood but I haven’t outgrown my parenthood. The follower has matured into a leader but my perception of him isn’t. The thief has already transformed himself into a Valmiki, but my old perceptions bind me from seeing it.

............. Life is a continuous rebirth. To keep pace with this ever-changing reality, our perceptions too need a continuous rebirth.....................

Perceive everything in life as if you are encountering it for the first time. When the child returns from school recognize the fact that she has grown through the day. When your student return to you, respect the fact that he has implemented the knowledge you gave him and has returned with experiential wisdom.

........... Today is a new sunrise……. Yesterday was over yesterday. Now is just now….............

Extracts from frozen thoughts

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