Sunday, May 23, 2010

Down But Not Out

Down But Not Out

In every part of life—romance, work, family—stuff happens. And these disappointments can indeed set you back, make you feel anxious and fearful. In moving through the recovery process, you may likely feel a range of emotions including anger, anxiety, confusion, low self-esteem and self-doubt. These represent stages of response and cannot be rushed. But over time you will begin to feel acceptance and hopefulness. When you let go of the past, you will experience increased self-esteem and renewed optimism.

"Don't focus on what you lost or what didn't work. You have to rewrite your script and see yourself differently—such as seeing yourself with another person, or at another job."

Easier said than done. Some people flounder in frustration and blame after a disappointment. Worse, some people fall into deep depression. But then again others bounce back quickly and with energy. While you can argue that these people may well be born more resilient, resilience can certainly be learned. Practice and experience help. Most successful people have had their hard knocks, but they recover and move on. They, in fact, see disappointment as a prospect for something new.

"Big losses provide the biggest opportunities for change," "They make a person more open to trying new things."

Here are a few tips to learn how you can become more resilient and overcome life's big disappointments:

  • Accept the setback. Know that setbacks happen to everyone. And realize that you may never understand what happened.
  • Face your fears. It's normal to feel insecure, but don't cower and avoid uncertainty.
  • Be patient. Reflect and think about what you plan to do; but don't rush, it will only aggravate the process.
  • Go beyond your comfort zone. Take risks. Go after that job you think you can't do, doing so will build self-esteem and resilience.
  • Find your hero. Think about people who have survived Often termed as your role models.
  • Know what you want. If you have goals, it's easier to make plans and move forward.
  • Be a problem-solver. Don't be the victim, instead learn to behave proactively.
  • One step at a time. To move forward, the enormity of the task (such as finding a new job after a lay-off) may seem insurmountable. Focus on each step you must take, not the entire undertaking.
  • Seek support. Talk to friends, family or a therapist.
  • Be kind to yourself. Disappointments are a source of stress, so exercise, eat right and get rest.
BOL For your Effort.... I know You can Bounce back and will bounce back to show the WORLD than I Can and I will.

Take Care

by Lubi ma...... Extracts from Net -EMail

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