Sunday, September 19, 2010

SMART Goal Setting

If U r like most people without planning a clear objective for the upcoming year. You must read this.

Top performing people make the time to establish clear targets. Setting goals is not a complicated process nor does it take a lot of time. Use the SMART goal setting techniques listed below to help you achieve your targets.

  • Ensure each of your goals follows the SMART concept: Specific, Motivational, Action-oriented, Relevant to your situation, Time-bound.
    For example, "I will increase my sales by 25% compared to last year." Be as specific about your goal as possible. "I will start my own catering business" is a lot stronger than "I want to go into business for myself." Challenging goals are motivating.
  • Set goals that will push beyond what you usually think you can accomplish.
    Remember to set a deadline. A goal without a deadline is simply a dream. Attach a realistic yet challenging deadline for accomplishment and post this where you can review it regularly.
  • Phrase your SMART goal in the present tense and assume success.
    Don't say, "I want to." Say, "I will." This subtle technique tells your subconscious that you have already achieved your goal which means it will go work at helping the goal become a reality. It will attract the people, places, and situations you need to achieve that goal.
  • Put your SMART goals in writing.
    This simple act helps you clarify your goals and will allow you to visualize them more effectively. I recommend that you record each goal on a separate index card and review them twice a day - once in the morning (when you first wake up) and again before you go to bed. This process reinforces your SMART goals, acts as a reminder and drives your goals deep into your subconscious. In fact, this is one of the most powerful goal setting techniques you can use to achieve your targets.
  • List the benefits you intend to receive by achieving each SMART goal.
    This will keep you focused and strong particularly when you face the inevitable roadblocks and barriers. Years ago, when I chose to quit smoking, I listed 75 benefits and when I felt the urge for a cigarette I would review this list to help me get past that craving. The more benefits you can list for your goals, the more motivating those goals will become.


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